2 min read

Onchain Games: A Revolution in Gaming and Why They Surpass Current Reality

The intersection of games and cryptocurrencies is not just a fleeting trend; it's a revolutionary shift that promises to redefine the gaming industry. Onchain games, where the state and logic live entirely on open smart contract blockchains, are at the forefront of this transformation. But why are onchain games, not just an alternative but a superior option compared to our current reality? Let's delve into the compelling reasons.

The Limitations of Centralized Gaming

Before we explore the advantages of onchain games, it's essential to understand the limitations of the current centralized gaming paradigm:

  1. Control by Central Authorities: Game developers and platforms ultimately control the game's rules, assets, and economies. This centralized control can lead to arbitrary decisions that affect players' investments and experiences.
  2. Lack of True Ownership: Players invest time and money into virtual assets but don't truly own them. These assets are tied to the platform and can be taken away anytime.
  3. Fragmented and Closed Economies: The developer’s design often isolates and limits in-game economies. This fragmentation hinders creativity and complex economic structures.
  4. Limited Modding Capabilities: While mods have become popular, they often lead to fragmentation, and developers must work within the constraints set by the game's original creators.

The Promise of Onchain Games

Onchain games radically depart from these limitations, providing a more open, decentralized, and player-driven environment. Here's why onchain games are a better alternative:

1. Decentralization and Autonomy

Onchain games operate on decentralized platforms, removing the control from a single central authority. This decentralization ensures that no single entity can make arbitrary decisions that affect the entire ecosystem. Players have more autonomy and control over their gaming experience.

2. Actual Ownership and Asset Interoperability

Through the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and smart contracts, players have actual ownership of their virtual assets. These assets can be traded, sold, or used across different games and platforms, creating a more vibrant and interconnected virtual economy.

3. Composable Modding

Onchain games enable composable modding, allowing players to add mods without fragmenting the game or seeking permission. This open modding environment fosters creativity, diversity, and continuous expansion of the game world.

4. Permissionless Open Economies

Onchain games enable the creation of complex, open economies through smart contracts. Players can create and engage in intricate economic structures without being limited by predefined in-game primitives or regulatory constraints.

5. Longevity and Persistence

Onchain games offer a level of permanence and persistence that traditional games cannot match. The decentralized nature ensures that the game can continue to exist and evolve, independent of the original developers or platforms.

The Future is Onchain

The shift towards onchain games is more than just a technological advancement; it's a philosophical alignment with the principles of decentralization, openness, and actual ownership. Onchain games provide a more equitable, creative, and interconnected gaming experience that surpasses the current centralized paradigm.

Onchain Games Examples

The journey towards fully realizing onchain games is filled with challenges and open problems. From technical constraints to incentive compatibility, the path is complex. However, here are some of the games that have managed to do it:


Onchain games represent a profound shift in the gaming industry, offering a superior alternative to our current reality. By embracing decentralization, actual ownership, composable modding, open economies, and persistence, onchain games promise a more democratic, creative, and interconnected virtual world.

The revolution is already underway, and the future of gaming is onchain. The game is changing, and the new rules are set to redefine how we play. The possibilities are limitless, and the potential is vast. Over time as the technology becomes more accessible, gamers will embrace this new frontier and explore what onchain games uniquely enable.