1 min read

Link: A Few Blockbuster Podcasts Are Making All the Money - WSJ

Alex Cooper is on the verge of securing a $100 million deal with Sirius for her "Call Her Daddy" podcast. Likewise, Trevor Noah is in talks for a second season with Spotify, and Joe Rogan has already signed an up-to $250 million deal with the same audio giant. Even the Kelce brothers' football-focused show possibly being next to hit big, being the 4th most popular podcast in the U.S. Once populated by a diverse set of voices discussing everything from cultures to crimes needing nothing but a decent microphone, the podcast sphere is rapidly transforming. Now, it's a realm of heavy hitters commanding massive audiences and earning staggering payouts. Interestingly, despite the almost 450,000 active shows that continue to be aired, per Podcast Industry Insights, a startling statistic has emerged. A mere 25 podcasts command the attention of nearly half of the U.S.'s weekly listeners according to Edison Research. This concentration of influence in so few hands speaks volumes about how the industry is evolving towards mega stardom. These leading podcasters now enjoy perks like merchandise sales, tours, and lucrative multi-year contracts worth nine figures. The industry’s sparkle has also drawn the attention of major advertisers. #


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