1 min read

Link: AI isn't the next big thing - here's what is

I don't think AI is the next big thing. I'm betting the future of my company on it.

I know what you're thinking: "This guy's lost it," but hear me out. AI is everywhere, making building apps and websites easier, but it's creating a saturated market.

AI might be revolutionary, but it can't be the next big thing because it's already here. By definition, if it's now, it can't be "next."

The real "next big thing" is owning attention, which will soon command a premium. AI makes everything easy, so the key is to stand out from the crowd.

Your goal shouldn't be on AI but on claiming the most precious real estate: your customers' attention. Owning attention is the next big thing.

How to capitalize moving forward? Connect with your audience through genuine interactions. Be a real person, not just an AI agent.#


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.