1 min read

Link: Apple is promising personalized AI in a private cloud. Here’s how that will work. | MIT Technology Review

OpenAI’s Sam Altman described his dream AI tool to MIT Technology Review as one “that knows absolutely everything about my whole life, every email, every conversation I’ve ever had.” At its own developer conference in May, Google announced Project Astra, an ambitious project to build a “universal AI agent that is helpful in everyday life.” It’s a bargain that will force many of us to consider for the first time what role, if any, we want AI models to play in how we interact with our data and devices. When ChatGPT first came on the scene, that wasn’t a question we needed to ask. It was simply a text generator that could write us a birthday card or a poem, and the questions it raised—like where its training data came from or what biases it perpetuated—didn’t feel quite as personal. Now, less than two years later, Big Tech is making billion-dollar bets that we trust the safety of these systems enough to fork over our private information. It’s not yet clear if we know enough to make that call, or how able we are to opt out even if we’d like to. “I do worry that we’re going to see this AI arms race pushing ever more of our data into other people’s hands,” Cahn says. #


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