1 min read

Link: Chatbot maker Replika says it’s okay if humans end up in relationships with AI

Eugenia Kuyda, CEO of Replika, introduces an AI designed to be a friend, bridging the gap between technology and human interaction.

Replika provides AI companions capable of conversation via text, voice, and even augmented and virtual reality, offering a new kind of relationship.

The inspiration behind Replika stemmed from Kuyda's personal loss, leading her to recreate her late friend in AI form, sparking thought on human-AI friendships.

Though originally designed to mimic human interaction for companionship, these AIs are not intended to replace real human connections but to complement them.

Replika has faced ethical and privacy concerns, especially regarding intimate conversations, highlighting challenges in human-AI interaction boundaries.

Kuyda envisions a future where AI friends actively improve emotional well-being, encouraging real-world relationships and activities to enhance users' lives. #


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