1 min read

Link: Escaping Spotify’s algorithm

The branding of sound has evolved from broad genres to hyper-specific niches like "paranormal dark cabaret afternoon" with streaming as the default. Radio DJs are now AI, and music discovery is packaged into 30-song playlists, refreshed weekly.

But what we’ve gained in convenience, we’ve lost in curiosity. Unlimited access to music ironically makes our listening experience less eclectic.

Most of us access music through streaming, with Spotify leading the way, claiming nearly a third of the market. Their Discover Weekly playlist introduced personalization as the solution to the overwhelming choices.

However, by efficiently delivering what people want, Spotify has eliminated choice and removed humanity from the music discovery experience. Algorithms recommend a significant portion of streamed songs, and other platforms are following suit.

Personalization confines us to algorithmic bubbles, reducing the diversity of what we listen to. It’s a shame that Spotify’s success relies on giving us more of the same.

To combat this, communities are finding new ways to reignite curiosity through social music platforms like Music League that emphasize human connection over algorithms. #


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.