1 min read

Link: Hackers can wirelessly watch your screen via HDMI radiation | PCWorld

Researchers have found a new method to intercept video signals by exploiting the wireless electromagnetic radiation from HDMI cables.

This research conducted by a Uruguayan team suggests it's possible to interpret the video by processing these signals with AI.

The AI model can read the electromagnetic energy fluctuations from the wired HDMI signal without direct input, despite this being encrypted digitally.

The researchers demonstrated that using AI and text recognition software, this technique can decode the wirelessly recorded electromagnetic radiation with up to 70 percent accuracy.

This signals a 60% improvement from previous methods and could potentially steal sensitive information such as passwords, even remotely without physical access.

While regular users are unlikely to be affected, their findings suggest that government agencies and large corporations should take appropriate EM-shielding measures, particularly for employees working from home. #


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