1 min read

Link: How I Use "AI"

AI models, particularly large language models (LLMs), aren't over-hyped in my view. I've spent the last year engaging with them, and I'm consistently impressed at their capability to solve increasingly complex tasks, boosting my productivity by nearly 50%. LLMs' utility can be far too optimistically or pessimistically depicted online, hence this post intends to provide concrete examples of their meaningful application.

These range from building complete web applications and learning about different frameworks to performance enhancing programs conversions, simplifying large codebases, and automating monotonous tasks. Importantly, these examples aren't for a flashy display of capabilities; rather, they are the fruit of their genuine role in my daily tasks.

Often, conversations around LLMs are polarized between those dismissing their contribution as fleeting hype and those unrealistically predicting total job automation. Here, I aim to enlighten skeptics on their current usefulness without justifying their potential harmful effects or asserting an 'ends justify the means' argument.

I've even applied LLMs in new ways, like creating a navigation menu for this post. Furthermore, despite being a skeptic, I believe current LLMs offer outstanding productivity enhancements. To close up, accept these examples as specific to my experiences, which might seem irrelevant or even silly to some, but are an honest reflection of my interactions with LLMs over the past year. #


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.