1 min read

Link: Layoffs.fyi: tech companies have laid off ~137,000 people since January 2024; Indeed.com: software development job postings are down 30%+ since February 2020 (Wall Street Journal)

Glenn Kugelman, previously from eBay, resorted to posting fliers around Manhattan to find a job in tech. His approach involved placing them near tech giants like Google and Facebook to attract attention.

Despite historically being in high demand, tech professionals are now vying for fewer jobs due to significant industry shifts and layoffs. As tech companies reevaluate their workforce needs, many find themselves struggling to secure work.

Job postings for software developers have dropped significantly, and layoffs continue to rise. Formerly secure tech workers are facing the harsh realities of job hunting for the first time, adapting to a fiercely competitive market.

The tech industry is redirecting its focus towards revenue-generation, cutting back on peripheral projects and entry-level positions. Notably, there's been a surge in investments in AI, altering the landscape of opportunities within the field.

Chris Volz, an experienced engineer, was laid off amid these industry changes and found the job market distinctly challenging. Despite his extensive network, he faced reduced callbacks and wages, underscoring the tightened job market.

Once a field of lavish perks and aggressive hiring, tech has seen a reversal, with reduced wages and increased job competition. The industry's shift includes a greater emphasis on merging technical skills with business acumen, particularly in AI.



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