Link: Many young Japanese believe esports has a future in the Olympics - The Japan Times

Over 40% of young Japanese people anticipate esports becoming an Olympic sport, according to a Jiji Press poll.

Esports is gaining recognition as it's playable regardless of age or physical fitness.

Nearly 34% of participants in the survey believed esports will make Olympic presence, in contrast to 30.8% who disagreed.

The belief was especially high among younger respondents, 43.7% of 18-29-year-olds and 42.5% of those in their 30s.

Additionally, 48% predicted esports' future popularity compared to 19.6% who didn’t.

Youth confidence surged higher with 71.4% of 18-29 year olds optimistic about esports' popularity, but was as low as 23.6% among individuals above 70. #


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