1 min read

Link: Nearly 6 million elderly people in Japan will have dementia by 2040 - The Japan Times

A recent report from a Japanese health ministry team has predicted that, by 2040, 5.84 million or approximately 15% of the country's senior population will be living with dementia. This figure is an increase from 4.4 million in 2022, yet significantly lower than the 8 million predicted in 2015 due to growing health consciousness and a decrease in smoking among the population. However, the prognosis still reveals a consistent rise in dementia rates in line with the country's rapidly ageing population. The projections predict around one in every 6.7 elderly individuals will have dementia by 2040. Forecast data for subsequent years show a steady increase as follows: 14.2% of seniors in 2030, 14.9% in 2040, 15.1% in 2050, and 17.7% by 2060. In addition, the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a phase prior to dementia with symptoms like memory impairment, is also expected to rise to 6.13 million. This suggests that around a third of the population over 65 could have some form of cognitive impairment by 2040 according to the health ministry team. #


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