1 min read

Link: New Japanese banknotes selling online for up to 40 times original value | SoraNews24 -Japan News-

A bill with “AA” at the beginning indicates that it is among the first ones ever printed, “AB” would mark the second run after a million AA bills are printed, and so on until “ZZ” is reached. If a bill is printed throughout this cycle, it starts again with a different color of ink. Just how much they can go up in value depends on a lot of factors and is anyone’s guess, but based on past bills it can be quite a bit. In the video above, hard currency expert Minoru Terada, who crushed our dreams of getting rich with one-yen coins a while back, said a 1,000-yen ($6) bill with a serial number of “777777” is worth 28,000 yen ($174) and one with a serial number of ZZ555555Z, both indicating that it’s in the last batch of its code run and having a unique combination of numbers, goes for 500,000 yen ($3,100). #


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