1 min read

Link: Nvidia launches AI Aerial, which integrates AI into the radio access network and could allow telcos to run third-party AI apps at the network's edge (Julia King/Fierce Network)

Nvidia is tackling the issue of AI-induced strain on mobile networks by pioneering the AI-RAN platform, collaborating with T-Mobile, Ericsson, and Nokia for its deployment.

The AI-RAN platform aims to utilize extensive data to foresee network load and make adjustments in real-time; it also facilitates the operation of third-party AI apps directly on the network's edge.

T-Mobile's Mike Sievert believes AI-RAN could transform mobile networks, although he acknowledges the challenges of perfecting this technology.

AI-RAN not only predicts network needs but also offers AI-as-a-Service to sectors like autonomous driving and robotics, enhancing operator capabilities.

This innovation is a response to the future demands of mobile networks driven by sophisticated AI applications like AI assistants and augmented reality, which traditional 5G networks might not adequately support.

By integrating AI into network operations, Nvidia and its partners aim to manage increased data traffic and lay groundwork for advanced technologies, including the prospective 6G network infrastructure. #


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