1 min read

Link: Over half of parents regret giving their children smartphones

A recent survey by Finnish mobile phone manufacturer HMD involving 10,000 parents across five countries reveals 54% regret giving smartphones to their children. They cite better family times during their own smartphone-free childhoods and fear of internet dangers as key reasons.

Nearly half of the surveyed parents observed harmful effects on their children's personality due to smartphone usage. They also noted issues like impaired sleep (64%), increased physical inactivity (61%), and decreased social interactions (54%).

The ongoing debates around smartphone bans have intensified with the start of the new school year. Concerns are mainly about the mental health of young people, as well as effects like cyberbullying and reduced attention spans.

Some schools in the US and Europe are trying out smartphone bans. This reflects growing apprehensions about the impact of screen time on the younger generation.

Rather than just enforcing stricter social media age restrictions or promoting less capable phones, brands can assist by providing meaningful alternatives to keep children entertained. This approach could shift the burden away from parents, who often resort to digital solutions like YouTube for peace and quiet.

By enabling better options for engagement, businesses help address the issue of excessive screen time without adding pressure on parents. This includes creating tools that sustain a child's interest in healthier ways. #


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