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Link: Scientists propose warming up Mars by using heat-trapping 'glitter' - The Japan Times

Scientists propose warming Mars by infusing its atmosphere with engineered nanoparticles to make it more hospitable for human habitation. This procedure could boost surface temperature by 28 degrees Celsius over a decade.

Though it wouldn't make Mars entirely liveable, it's considered a plausible first step. Terraforming involves modifying a planet's environment to resemble Earth's, and warming Mars is an essential albeit insufficient start.

"Previous methods focused on releasing greenhouse gases, but Mars lacks resources for that," explained University of Chicago planetary scientist, Edwin Kite. "Our approach involves using nanoparticles to warm Mars' atmosphere and our climate models suggest it's more efficient."

NASA's rovers and the InSight Lander exploring Mars contribute to understanding and potential future human missions to the planet. However, Mars is filled with challenges like inhospitable soil, harmful ultraviolet radiation, severe cold, and potential dust storms.

"Warming Mars isn't impossible. We hope to inspire further scientific investigation," said lead study author Samaneh Ansari. The procedure aims to allow liquid water to form on the Martian surface, which currently contains ice in its polar regions and subsurface.

Researchers planning to release tiny rod-shaped particles into Mars' atmosphere remain aware of possible unintended consequences. "The benefits and potential costs of warming Mars are uncertain," Kite said. "If Mars can sustain life, the study of this could provide great benefits, thus its habitat should be preserved." #


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