1 min read

Link: Survey finds Japan to be least god-fearing nation in the world and it’s not even close

Japan has been found to be the least god-fearing nation globally, with only 3% of its population believing in a deity in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic sense. This starkly contrasts with the global average of 40%, and significantly lower than countries like South Africa and Turkey, which top the list at 73% each.

When considering belief in any form of "higher power," Japan's percentage rises to 19%, still among the lowest globally. However, Japan ranks highest in the percentage of people who simply "don't know" if a higher power exists, with 34% expressing uncertainty.

Despite low adherence to Abrahamic religions, Japan still engages in spiritual practices, particularly through Buddhism and Shintoism, which are more abstract and flexible. This spiritual ambiguity is reflected in Japan's openness to beliefs in supernatural spirits and Hell, but a lower belief in Heaven and the Devil.

Interestingly, 37% of Japanese respondents agreed that "my religion defines me as a person," close to the global average of 42%. However, Japan's frequent natural disasters may contribute to a skepticism about all-powerful deities, as many question why a benevolent force would repeatedly afflict the nation.

Online reactions to the survey reveal a mix of cynicism and cultural pride, with some questioning the utility of belief in a god amidst constant natural challenges, while others point to Japan’s law and order as a counterbalance to the perceived need for religion.

In Japan, religious practice often takes a backseat to cultural rituals and secular traditions, making it more common to encounter pop culture references than religious expressions. This unique approach to spirituality reflects a nation where traditional beliefs coexist with modern skepticism. #


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