1 min read

Link: The AI photo editing era is here, and it’s every person for themselves

Imperfection is sometimes the point. Writing a heartfelt letter, word by word, is what makes it meaningful.

Smoothing out the edges removes something essentially human from the final product. Gen Z’s attraction to “dumb” digital cameras reflects this impulse.

When everything looks too perfect, it feels less personal. Like digital processing, we’ll all find our comfort level with generative AI photo edits.

These tools aren’t going away, and for some photos, I do appreciate the option to remove distractions. But not every photo needs to look polished and perfect.

Just as I wouldn’t write a letter like a college essay, I don’t need every image to be Christmas-card ready. Sometimes, a little bit of grit is just perfect. #


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.