1 min read

Link: The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious

Long nails complicate many everyday activities, making tasks like typing a painful challenge. Typing with long nails on laptops is especially difficult due to incompatible key designs that require using nail tips and finger sides.

The $45 Tippy Type keyboard cover, discovered via TikTok, offers tower-like keys to help those with long nails type with their finger pads, not nails. It is designed to alleviate discomfort and protect manicures.

Despite the potential convenience, long nails are expensive and high-maintenance, costing up to $120 for extensions or risking press-ons popping off at inconvenient times. Preserving a manicure with products like Tippy Type saves both time and money.

The Tippy Type feels odd initially and requires getting used to its cylindrical keys, which need more pressure than standard keys. However, typing accuracy improves significantly after adaptation.

Yet, limitations exist. The Tippy Type currently only fits MacBooks, doesn't cover all keys, and prevents the laptop from closing fully. Its effectiveness also varies with the length of the nails used.

Ultimately, the value of the Tippy Type depends on how often you use a laptop and how essential long nails are to your image or profession. While not universally necessary, it has proven helpful for frequent laptop users with a strong commitment to maintaining long, styled nails. #


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