1 min read

Link: Virtual idol Hatsune Miku to act in kabuki play with human co-star【Photos】

Cho-Kabuki announces a new version of Hanakurabe Zenbonzakura. Hatsune Miku, the world’s first and most famous virtual idol, is known for her futuristic, high-tech projects. However, she also collaborates with creators of traditional art forms, like hina ningyo dolls and ukiyo-e woodblock prints.

Now, Miku is taking the stage not for an idol dance routine, but to perform a kabuki play. Hanakurabe Zenbonzakura blends the classic kabuki tale Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura with Miku’s iconic song “Senbonzakura.”

In this production, Miku will share the stage with accomplished kabuki actor Shido Nakamura. They’ve teamed up for Cho-Kabuki performances since 2016, most recently in Tokyo in 2023 and Kyoto in 2019.

Their latest collaboration will debut at Expo 2025 in Osaka, titled Hanakurabe Zenbonzakura Expo 2025 Version. The technology involved allows Miku to react in real-time to her co-stars’ ad-libs.

The performances are scheduled for May 24 and 25, with ticket details yet to be announced. #


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.