1 min read

Link: YouTube is adding ‘seasons’ to make your favorite channel more like Netflix

YouTube creators can now segment their videos into seasons and episodes, enhancing the viewer's experience on TV. This new feature aligns with YouTube's strategy to expand its presence in the living room, where creator revenue from TVs has grown by 30% year-over-year.

The redesigned interface will mirror typical streaming services like Netflix, offering full-screen episode descriptions and organized browsing by seasons.

While specific details about the appearance on desktop and mobile platforms are still under wraps, YouTube plans to implement this format across all devices.

Additional TV-focused tools for creators include options for adding "immersive content" on channel pages, fostering a more engaging viewer interaction.

Previously, some YouTubers manually organized their content into seasons and episodes using playlists and specific naming, which often didn't translate well on TV apps such as Apple TV and Roku.

This update promises a more integrated and user-friendly interface across YouTube's various applications, catering to both creators and viewers. #


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