1 min read

Link: YouTube is limiting videos about weight and appearance for teens

YouTube is updating its algorithm to limit videos that display non-violent aggression and idealized body images from being promoted to teenagers. This change aims to shield young viewers from forming negative self-images from repeated exposure to such content.

The platform acknowledges that while these videos may comply with YouTube's guidelines individually, their cumulative effect can be harmful. The initiative is a response to the higher susceptibility of teens forming negative beliefs through repeated online content.

Content targeted by these new restrictions includes videos that idealize specific body types or exhibit social aggression like subtle bullying. For example, certain makeup and fitness videos will be less promoted.

The changes are being implemented globally, reflecting YouTube's commitment to protect its younger audience from "rabbit hole" content paths. These paths can reinforce unhealthy standards through frequent exposure.

According to Allison Briscoe-Smith, a member of YouTube’s Youth and Families Advisory Committee, this approach helps maintain healthier psychological patterns for teens. It encourages a balanced self-perception amidst natural comparison to online personas.

"Guardrails can help teens maintain healthy patterns as they naturally compare themselves to others and size up how they want to show up in the world," Briscoe-Smith notes. This step by YouTube reflects an ongoing effort to make its platform safer for all users #


Yoooo, this is a quick note on a link that made me go, WTF? Find all past links here.