Link: YouTube says that soon, its tech will be able to find AI copies of celebs and creators
YouTube has teamed up with the Creative Artists Agency (CAA) to allow famous individuals to control their AI-generated likenesses on the platform. They aim to provide tools for creators and professionals to manage and request removals of their AI representations.
Initially focusing on celebrities and athletes, plans are in place to allow broader access to top YouTube creators and industry partners. This expansion is set to occur early next year.
In response to the growing use of AI, YouTube introduced plans last September to develop tools to help creators safeguard their digital personas. They are now implementing features to manage AI depictions, including facial likenesses, at scale.
The CAAVault was launched by CAA last year to safeguard the digital likenesses of its clients. This vault stores essential elements like faces, bodies, and voices.
Currently, YouTube is developing technology to identify AI-generated singing. This technology aims to protect artists against unauthorized simulations of their voices.
Music labels have started using YouTube's services to eliminate AI content that mimics an artist's singing voice. Moreover, YouTube has begun requiring labels on all AI-generated content to inform viewers.
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